Monday, December 21, 2009

Social Environment

My last posting dealt with physical environment. Today’s will deal with social environment.

Social environment means all the people and the collections of people who surround you and with whom you come in contact and the interactions you have with them. We use the term very broadly. There are so many different types of people in your social environment. Some examples are role models, mentors, professional organizations, family, friends, service clubs, peer partners, counselors, teachers, trainers, seminars. The list goes on and on.

As intentional men, our goal is to use our social environment to enhance our motivation. My vision is me as a public speaker, training people how to motivate themselves so they can become all they are capable of being. A large part of my social environment is Toastmasters, an organization that has given me, and continues to give me, experience, skill and camaraderie. If you are interested in public speaking, or just wish to get more comfortable speaking in public, check it out at I belong to two clubs, one is a regular club and the other one an advanced club, the members of which are all professional speakers.

I am also a member of a marketing group. This group, through its newsletter and by interactions with other members, teaches me the skills I need to market myself as a speaker and an author. Having these two things, Toastmasters and my marketing group, in my social environment enhance my motivation.

I continually become more and more conscious of my social environment. My physical environment has pretty much stayed the same for the past two years, with the exception of the purchase of a new computer. Other than that, I use the same desk, in the same room, in the same house. My physical environment works well for me as it is, so changing it is not necessary, except for maybe once in a while cleaning up the mess.

My social environment, however, is continually in flux. I recently contracted with a publicist/expert/counselor. She is very experienced in book publishing and public speaking. She knows people who can do the things I need doing, like setting up an appropriate web page. She also is a source of encouragement. This woman is a new part of my social environment, one that definitely enhances my motivation.

No matter what your vision, there are ways for you to enhance your motivation by working on your social environment.

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