Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bridging the Gap

In the last couple of posts we’ve been talking about the evaluation, intentionally taking time to see how we are going on our path to manifesting our vision. One strategy we use in the evaluation is called bridging the gap.

When we refer to the gap we are talking about the distance or difference between what we had planned to occur and what really did occur. If we have used the three step process for successability, we have clarity as it relates to what we planned to have occurred (see the posting on clarity). This makes it easy for us to see if there is a gap, and if there is, easy to determine exactly what it is.

As part of your motivation plan, you have written down your goals and your tasks. Are you accomplishing your goals? If you aren’t, that is your gap. Are you completing your tasks? If not, then that is your gap. If you are accomplishing your goals, is your vision becoming manifest? If not, that is your gap.

Once you have identified your gap or gaps, it is time to bridge the gap, find out why you have a gap, and figure out how to close that gap, how to make happen what you have planned on happening. Make sure you don’t forget the Drucker ratio when you examine the gap. Instead of asking why something went wrong, ask how you can make it right.

Use your vision > goal > task paradigm to assist you in bridging the gap. If you are completing your tasks, but the goals aren’t being met, than you need to redefine your tasks. If you are completing your goals, but your aren’t manifesting your vision, you need to create new goals, are maybe restate them more clearly. If you aren’t completing your tasks, you need to figure out why. Are they too difficult? Are there things blocking you from completing them?

Perhaps you missing some skills you need to accomplish your goals. What type of training can you get to add those skills. Are there changes to your environment, either physical or social that will help you bridge the gap?

What you want to do with this strategy of bridging the gap is come up with solutions that are clearly stated and achievable, that will get you back on your path to manifesting your vision.

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