Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Overcoming a defeatist attitude. Part 2

In my most recent posting I shared with you how a defeatist attitude can rob you of your motivation. It does this by negatively impacting your successability, your confidence in your competence. I encouraged you to identify those things that made you feel you were not capable of achieving your dreams. It is only by knowing what those things are, that we can address them.

Once you have identified them, your social environment can be very helpful in fixing them and thereby increase your confidence. Your social environment includes all the people and organizations that surround you or that are available to you. Your social environment is helpful because it contains resources that can help you fix these problems.

Let’s look at some of the ways we can use our social environment to increase our confidence.

If your lack of confidence is because you lack certain skills, you can use resources in your social environment to gain these skills. A source for learning those skills may be as close as your present job; find out if your present employer offers on the job training. You may have to look outside your job, maybe contacting a local community college or technical school. On-line training is a wonderful resource for learning skills, as learning can take place in your own home, at a time when it is convenient for you.

Maybe your lack of confidence is because you don’t have any contacts; you feel you don’t know the people you need to in order to open the doors that need to be opened. If this is your identified problem, take advantage of organizations in your social environment in which you can network to make those important business contacts.

If your lack of confidence is due to a feeling that you just aren’t the type of person who does whatever your dream is, you need to find an organization where you can practice the traits you feel you need to develop. For example, if your dream is to be a sales person but you feel you are too shy to speak to people, join a social business club and learn in a safe environment how to mingle.

Your social environment is as big as you want it to be. There is an organization to meet just about any need you have.

Be creative in utilizing the resources in your social environment. They can give you a big boost in your motivation.

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