Saturday, September 19, 2009

The role of intent

The key to self motivation is being in control of the three elements of self motivation: the vision, successability and environment. We do this by exercising our intent, by acting intentionally, rather than acting automatically.

Animals other than humans act only on instinct. There is a stimulus, which triggers an action. It’s automatic. Instinct works very well in the animal kingdom. The zebra smells the lion (stimulus) and immediately runs (action). Were the zebra to reflect on the proper course of action, hmmm, maybe the lion will eat my fat friend next to me, he would likely be eaten himself.

Humans will frequently act this way as well. Humans, however, have the capacity to act otherwise, to act with reflection. Reflection occurs in the space between stimulus and action. Rather than two steps, stimulus and action, there are three steps. In step one, there is a stimulus. In step two the person reflects on what action to take. In step three the person takes the action. It is in middle step that motivation occurs.

A person who acts without reflection, without that center step, I refer to as automatic man.

As self motivators, we want to avoid being automatic men. Being automatic men means we are being controlled by things and people outside ourselves. Instead we need to stay in touch with that middle step, and stay aware that we have the power to choose the action we take.

Being in control of our actions has two positive impacts on our motivation. One, it lets us takes steps to increase the positive impact of each of the three elements of self motivation, vision, successability, and environment. Two, exercising control or autonomy in our lives automatically increases our motivation.

In future postings, I will write about how you can exercise your intent to increase the motivational impact of each of the three elements.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting Bob. I guess that pause for reflection in our actions will allow us to determine if we want to eat those potato chips instead of a nice piece of fruit. Even then we choose the potato chips because we don't feel the fruit will satisfy. Gonna want some help there, I'm sure.
