Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Overview of the model for self motivation.

After studying motivation in education, and employment and sports, I saw some commonalities in the models of motivation in these three disciplines. One thing I found especially interesting was that most of these models were focused on one person motivating another person. In sports it was the coach motivating the player, in employment it was the boss motivating the employee, and in education it was the teacher motivating the student.

But I wanted a model in which a person motivated him or herself, not someone else. So I examined those commonalities and thought about them for a long while, and came up with my own model, a model focused on self motivation.

The model I came up with states that self motivation is influenced by three things, what I call factors. I labeled those three factors, the vision, successability, and environment. The model states that when you positively impact any of the three factors, you will positively impact your motivation.

In future blog entries I will explain what each of these factors means, and explain how you can positively impact each one so you can keep your motivation at a high level. Keeping your motivation at a high level means you will achieve your dreams.

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