Sunday, January 3, 2010


So far, I have been blogging mostly about things you can do to motivate yourself, that is, ways to increase your motivation. We’ve learned that having a vision, something that is worthwhile for us, is motivating. We’ve learned that clarity, whether it’s about our vision, our goals or our tasks, will keep us motivated.

Now I want to talk about things that decrease our motivation, things that are amotivating. I call these things detractors. These are things that detract us from manifesting our vision.

Just as our motivators are unique and personal to us, so too are our detractors. Some of the motivators I describe in my book and in future blog postings will have absolutely no power over you, yet others will truly be forces for you to reckon with. Being intentional man means finding out what our detractors are, those things are stopping us from achieving our dreams. People say knowledge is power, and when it comes to detractors, that saying is very true. Once we become aware of our detractors, we can take steps to overcome them. We apply strategies that nullify their power over us.

For every detractor in your life, there is a strategy you can use to overcome that strategy, or, at a minimum, to lessen its impact on your motivation and on your life.

In my next posting I will talk about the detractor that I have found to be the most overwhelming for me. I call it the distracter. I refer to it as the mild mannered detractor, because it is hard for me to believe that things that appear to be so unimportant have so often detracted me on my path to manifesting my vision.

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